Missing words, fractions & foundation sample
Ahhhh! Really sorry about not sending yesterday! I had planned to but, unfortunately, other things got in the way ... back on track now :-)
Key Stage 2 (2nd to 5th Grade)
Here's a fun exercise to work through, using some excellent vocabulary:
Use the word bank to fill in the missing words in the passage below:
The dog leapt out of the back of the car and began to run the ________ its ________ hit the street. It raced onto the _________ behind the houses and disappeared after ________ over a _________ fence. Frantic, Nicky began chasing the animal, ________ the high heels she was ________ that were making her attempted run look more like a _________.
Can you create you own? Please do send to us and we'll mark / feedback.
Key Stage 3 (6th to 8th Grade)
As mentioned before - many times - confidence with fractions is important to help with an understanding of maths. Here's a worksheet, answers and walkthrough video that might be useful.
Key Stage 4 (9th and 10th Grade)
Not long now! Only a few weeks to January ... and then ... it's revision all the way until GCSE's.
Might be good to get a headstart with this paper?
Have a great week!
Simon D
PS. And finally, the maths fact of the day:
A three dimensional parallelogram is called a 'parallelepiped.'