Synonyms, Sports & Walkthroughs
It's good to see the range of online maths courses being offered, but I must admit that finding something suitable can be a little challenging. While I think I'm a fairly independent learner, I still like to be given some sense of direction ... start from 'easy,' progress to 'difficult.'
But instead, a lot of the resources simply offer 'topics.' A number of students have reported a similar frustration with online schoolwork. While there is plenty available, it can be disjointed ... and it's difficult to get a feeling of achievement.
That's why I like First Class Learning and tuition centres. Topics build step by step, the modules give a thorough understanding of each stage, and you'll always get recognition for excellent work.
Thank you to everyone who has visited my Substack - I've been adding posts .... offering an easy to use, searchable, archive for previous newsletters.
Any thoughts, comments or ideas gratefully received :-)
Key Stage 2 (2nd to 5th Grade)
It's interesting to see students development as they work through some of the materials. A relentless focus on completing English worksheets can be very helpful in, not just comprehension, but building good vocabulary knowledge. Here's an exercise on synonyms that might be useful.
Key Stage 3 (6th to 8th Grade)
Time for some English, after last week's maths work.
Your Sporting Preferences
Write a bullet point list about what sport you like and dislike, favourite sports person(s) etc. Using the points you wrote as a plan, write a formal mini-essay about your sporting preferences. Include your favourite sport and favourite sports person(s). The essay should be written in paragraphs and include an introduction and conclusion.
Aim for between 400-500 words. Remember to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Key Stage 4 (9th and 10th Grade)
Only around 4 weeks until GCSE's! Here's some past paper walkthroughs:
Revise Foundation Maths - Paper 1
Top Tips!
Aim for around a ‘mark a minute' – this should give you enough time at the end to check your answers
Always show your working
Aim for 100% for the first 10 questions – this will help to build your confidence, and motivation, to keep going
You can do this!
Have a great week
Simon D
PS. And finally, a clever joke of the day:
Why was the maths teacher late for school?
Because he took the rhom-bus.